12-22-09 Tuesday (Bag Boy)

I may have previously mentioned that December Tuesdays at Goodwill are stuff a bag of clothing for $5.  Jim and I started shopping together.  My Dad called; my Mom wasn’t feeling well.  He dropped me off to visit with my folks while he continued with the shopping quest.  Trust me, Jim turned it into a quest. 

By the end of the day, Jim had went to 3 different Goodwill stores and filled 3 bags.  He had become the master of fabric manipulation.  I think he could have fit a king sized comforter into a grocery bag.  At the end of the day, he pulled each article of clothing out of a bag, one by one.  It was like a clown car.  I present to you, the finished pile:

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I don’t know how much he got.  We didn’t bother to count.  The pets didn’t try to count either…

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  1. tooo bad you werent chics! i just gave 10 pocketbooks to a friend! im always giving clothes to the goodwill! you guys would of scored! lol!

  2. High fives to Jim {who it seems always does the bulk of the work whilst you wistfully peck away at the keyboard} on his amazing clothes safari! Looks like he brought down a herd of flannel. Hooray for you, and all that for fifteen dollars? I guess I know what I'll be getting for Christmas.

    The best part of your post though were the animal photos. Dasher looks like someone is fishing around in his backside for a stool sample and Clea and Jag look like they've been dipping into the nuclear egg nog.

    Even the top photo. Look at her back there all aglow!


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