My friend Dave mentioned that a PS3 game (Buzz Trivia) I really like is clearanced at his local Target in Florida. I decided to check my local Target out yesterday but I struck out. No such luck. I did get lucky with this photo though.
Above: All the way to the left. Room for future expansion? A stall you can stand out while your friend pees even though you don’t have to? A last minute budget cut during construction?
To start off my day I stopped at an ATM to deposit some checks. While in her car, a woman threw her cigarette butt out the window. When it was her turn, she got out of her car, made her transaction and as she returned to her vehicle, I couldn’t help myself – I had to comment. I told her she had dropped her cigarette butt. She looked at the ground and then acted surprised. I told her it was littering. She said I should mind my own business. I told her the world wasn’t her ashtray and it was my business. Eventually some explicatives were exchanged. I threw her harsh words right back at her with the word “pig” added to the end. I hope I didn’t offend any pigs. I’m not real proud of the explicative exchange but afterwards it sure felt good. You f%^ing pig. It feels good again.
Even when I smoked I didn’t do that. If there was no ashtray, I extinguished it and put it in my pocket. The world is NOT your trash can or ashtray. Stop littering.
The public service announcement was brought to you by… well honestly by anger. I guess yesterday’s bad day carried over a little.
Jim’s office is having some sort of potluck tomorrow so he wanted to bring meatballs again. I throw them into the crockpot with some Yoshida’s Asian Gourmet sauce and some pineapple tidbits. Yum. None for me though. Anyway, I went to Walmart for the meatballs. I brought my trusty new Weight Watchers calculator with me. I used it several times to compare a few things. You’ll read about them as I eat them I suppose. What I will tell you is that I have a $1 off any Morningstar Farms product so I did buy a bunch of veggie burger/chicken things. I like ‘em, they are very low in points, and they are filling! Go to their website and get your coupon. You can only print it once you you may want to photocopy it! I used 3 today! I can have a “chik’n patty” on a whole wheat bun for only 2 points!
Above: Morningstar Farms® Grillers® Chik'n Veggie Patties
I went to the dentist to finish up root canal #2. Today’s visit marked the worst visit. I was there, in that chair for 3 hours and 45 minutes. My lower back felt like it was on fire. What happened? Well, she explored another canal which was tight. That made a total of 4 canals, the primary ones were done at the prior visit. After she finished packing, filling, removing the dam and what nots, it comes time for a final x-ray. The x-ray revealed an air pocket. She missed it from a prior x-ray because “the tooth clamp was in the way of the shot”. Everything went back on. The damn dam, the clamp, etc. She had to drill out part of the temporary to repack one of the canals. I thought I was going to cry. I think the back pain for more than any other reason.
As I’m departing, she asks if I resolved the price issue with my regular dentist. I told her that begrudgingly I’d have to pay $145 each tooth because he was going to insert a post, blah, blah. She had a look on her face and tried to dismiss it. I pried. What? She didn’t want to get “in the middle” but she doesn’t think a post is needed. She feels theirs plenty of tooth left and a post is sometimes worse. She said a post is “old school” when used for every situation. She continued by saying that especially since I wasn’t getting crowns right away, I shouldn’t get the post.
What the @$ck? I guess I need another opinion. I’m so put out.
In better news, we had a dinner date scheduled (rescheduled from last week) with Deanna and her boyfriend, Joel. Joel hurt himself during a workout so he wasn’t able to attend. I think he was afraid I’d beat his ass in Air Hockey.
Deanna, Jim and I went to Dave & Buster’s. It’s a Chuck-E-Cheese for adults and I guess kids too. I looked over the menu online and Googled a lot to find the nutritional value of the foods. Nada.
Above: My choice which I altered. No BBQ sauce. Green beans steamed rather than sautéed and nix the Mashed potatoes and had Citrus Rice (which was yummy!) instead.
Above: Probably still too much food but I still managed to stay within points.
After dinner, we wandered into the game room. We got some Wednesday deal where the games are half price. A lot of the games spew out tickets which can be redeemed for crap. You swipe your game card which deducts credits and play. Jim spun some crazy wheel where he had to try and stop it on the jackpot of 1,000 tickets. He hit it!
Above: Look at all the tickets. Each ticket is worth 2 but he still had to wait and fold all those tickets.
Above: Deanna tries too but not as successful as Jim.

Above/Below: Deanna tries “Deal or No Deal”.
Above: Deanna and I add our tickets to the bucket. With approximately 1400 tickets it’s still slim-pickins at the redemption booth. We decides to hold on to the points and add to them another day.
Above: Deanna tries another wheel game.
We’re all spent out on our cards. What now? Jim suggests ColdStone Ice Cream. Sigh. After careful consideration of the various menu choices (not much for low cal), I decided to skip it.
Above: That's right Jim, suck it in for the photo of you holding ColdStone.
Above: That’s OK. When I got home I had a 2 point “Weight Watchers GIANT Mint Fudge Cone”.
The food recap for the day:
Above: I do want to point out that I ended the day with 6.5 daily points remaining. Even if I underestimated the food I ate at Dave & Buster’s I still had wiggle room. Can anyone tell from the food photo (a few pages up) how large the portions were? I think I nailed it though. Using my palm for reference, the chicken breasts were about 3 oz each and I added a little extra padding.
Today we crossed into a new state and lost an hour. Check it out by clicking here. |