4-29-10 Thursday (Believe It, Or Not)

Although I have no proof, my aunt made me a very tasty omelet this morning. It included a delicious helping of mushrooms and American cheese. Yum.

For afternoon entertainment we went to Riley’s Aquarium. Unless we missed something, this was NOT worth it for $18 a person. She takes visitors there fairly often but not recently. She was disappointed too. At least with the little amount we saw, we had fun.

On the way back to my aunt’s house, we stopped at Burke’s to do a little clothes shopping. I slipped out to a Piggly Wiggly to buy a bottle of red and bottle of white wine. Mmmmmm.

Later that evening we ordered up some Chinese. My cousin Andrea, her husband Kevin and her 3 boys Kevin, Kolby, and Kyle came to join us for dinner. Yum. Unfortunately, I have no photos of Kevin or the kids due to probable wine intoxication.


2010-04-29 004Above/Below: An-Annie and Mom in front of the lake. 2010-04-29 003

2010-04-29 018Above: Anne and JoAnn try to pet a sting ray.

2010-04-29 006 Above: Garret, Anne, JoAnn create a silly pose.

2010-04-29 012 Above: JoAnn gets attacked by a fake jelly fish. (I hate when that happens)

2010-04-29 015 Above: A tunnel of fish.

2010-04-29 027Above: Being goofy Mickey with a bra at Burke’s.

2010-04-29 022Above: Anne

2010-04-29 023Above: JoAnn

2010-04-29 025Above/Below: I know. TMI. 2010-04-29 026

2010-04-29 028 Above/Below: Andrea and Anne prepare the alcoholic beverages.2010-04-29 029 2010-04-29 030 Above: Awwwwww, obviously she wants something from her mother.

2010-04-29 031 Above/Below: Andrea and Garret. By the way, she’s like 9 days older than me. 2010-04-29 032

DIH - Jim's Toilet
Last Year:
Food shopping.
Food eating.


  1. You are having way too much fun! Keep it up!


  2. You are having an insane amount of fun, aren't you??

    I have to know... do you actually have a drag name?

  3. The only female names I've been or am called is "Auntie Garret" and rarely but at times "Garrita".


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