10-19-09 Monday (Generics)

image Another slow day.  Went to Walmart.  Worked out.  Mike, Dave and David were in the area (at the beach metal detecting) so I invited them over for dinner.  We kept it simple and had burgers, tater tots, and baked beans.  We had a generic chocolate log cake for Dave’s birthday (on the 24th).  I make all of that sound so interesting, don’t I?  Especially with the word “generic”.   I did my best and made due with what was available.  The Publix bakery near me has the smallest bakery I’ve ever seen.  I think it’s because this area is so dead for the summer.

Here we are in October and the park has been coming to life.  The past 2 weekends, gobs of people have been arriving to their Florida winter homes.  The other clubhouses are opening and activities are buzzing.  We were told that in November this place will be really busy… we’ve seen nothing yet.

I know I shouldn’t bother posting this entry but I kind of like the journal/diary effect that it serves.  If it helps any, pretend this post was all about you.

1 comment:

  1. Generics? Oh shoot. I misread.

    Thought it was geriatrics. Like me.


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