10-17-09 Saturday (Chili Weather)

image Jim and I had different things to do this morning.  He met an ex-coworker and friend, Yolanda for lunch.  Meanwhile, I went on an impromptu interview.  I had no specific time to be there and felt very relaxed.  The interviewer and potential future supervisor was down to earth and easy to talk to.  He/she shared quite a lot of the same management views and ideas.  I was excited and passionate about it.  Sorry to be so cryptic but again in my business, everyone knows everyone for the most part.

At dinner time we went to Chili’s for dinner.  Jim and I had a frozen strawberry margarita.  That was odd for us to go out by ourselves and have an alcoholic beverage at dinner time.  It was tasty though.

When we got back to Fort Myers we took our jackets and stored them over at Ann and Morgan’s house.  Now we needed to get them.  Why?  A “cold front” is moving in.  Ya know, we Floridians get cold easily.  It is going to dip below 70 degrees.  Burrrrrrrr.  Actually it is going to get into the 50’s.  Anyway, we stopped over to pickup the jackets.  We got to have some Cold Stone turtle ice cream pie as an anniversary celebration for Ann and Morgan’s friends, the Columbo’s.  Lou and Carol were out on the town (dinner) and stopped by to share in their festivities.


  1. I shouldn't snicker over your being cold - I used to be a Floridian! But now I love the cold, and here in my new home it's 43 today - sunny, beautiful, perfect!!! Of course, my new friends think I'm nuts....

    Nancy in Iowa

  2. Has it occurred to you that your new friends might be right? OR do you feel that everyone else is a little off, but you're OK? Hmmmmmm.

  3. Yeah, um, not to discredit your cold snap or anything, but it freaking SNOWED on me in NY on Wednesday.

    Sooo happy to be home. And PS: enjoy the cooler Florida weather while you can - the mid 80s are returning this week. I may even get one more swim in if I'm lucky.

    Did you miss me?

  4. Of course I missed you. Who else is there to make fun of? So many others have hair.

  5. I don't know how I'm missing your blog posts.

    we're back in the 70s here in PA. Go figure. I'll take it though!


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