2-17-10 Wednesday (My Name Was Lola)

I haven’t gotten a chance to check with Jim yet, but I see the sugar-free syrup has been used and the lite version hasn’t been opened.  I don’t know if I can stand the suspense of waiting until 5:15 for the answer.  I have to control myself.  I can do this.

I skipped my typical breakfast sandwich to try the pancakes and sugar free syrup.  I must say, pretty good.  For those of you cutting calories, try the Log Cabin Sugar Free.  Not bad.

After breakfast, I thought about things I wanted to get accomplished for today.  I glanced over at the stack of resumes to be mailed out which got me thinking about my past employment.


With that out of the way, I ventured out to mail the resumes and then onward to an appliance repair place to get a part for the carpet machine.

DIH - Hollywood G2-17-09
I took my Mom to the doctor. He ordered her back to the hospital so off we went. 
I visited my uncle in a different hospital. 
I spent time with friends at an HIV/AIDS benefit.

Jim’s opinion on the pancake breakfast:  He was happy with the syrup but not the pancakes themselves.  He felt they didn’t heat very well and he would have like them cooked more.  I did make them thicker than normal.  If we try this again, I’ll make thinner pancakes.


  1. You really need to get back into that modeling career. i think plenty of people would pay big bucks to see you in a leopard print bathing suit... and given the next post up... leopard print, laying in a sunny spot. Meeee-ow!

  2. You are SUCH a freaking DORK. I love you, Garret. You are just the best, in a "special" way.


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