12-31-09 Thursday (Under Estimation)

Jim and I worked hard at getting the guest room set up.  Carl and Tim are coming from Florida to spend a couple of days with us!  Our first house guests.  They were due into town early afternoon.  They actually beat us to the house.  I should have known Carl would beat the GPS’ estimated arrival time. 


Just as the boys arrived, we had rain.  We unloaded our vehicle and theirs, then made way into the house for the tour.  Tim and Carl had broken up their long drive by crashing at a rest area in southern Georgia.

 2009-12-31 20Above: One of the first things to unpack this morning was the coffee maker and my new Christmas gift mug from a friend.  Blogging: Never before have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few.

 2009-12-31 21Above: Jim’s mug.  Potential: Not everyone gets to be an astronaut when they grow up.

 2009-12-31 22Above: Another step in the family room organizational process is complete.

 2009-12-31 23 Above: A gift basket from my Aunt Donna.  The 4 of us enjoyed cheese and crackers!

2009-12-31 24Above: Dasher is so happy to have “his” red couch back.

Carl and Tim took showers and naps.  Later we all ventured to Walmart for breakfast supplies, snacks, and other items.  It was a newer Walmart.  The place was packed.  95% of the registers were open and had a line.  At 7pm on New Year’s Eve… who would have thunk it?

For dinner, we ate at Zio’s.  If you’ll remember, Jim and I went there with Mark and Tom a few weeks ago.  We all enjoyed our dinner.  On the way home, we drove around uptown Charlotte.  We’ll go again tomorrow.

To ring in the new year, we had champagne ready to go.  Well, we had it at 11pm and called it a night.  Happy New Year!

Animated Toasting Flutes


  1. Thanks so much TIM for stopping by to say hello on your way to Charlotte. Perhaps The Alix would have liked to tag along? No worries. I see how you are.

    Looks like Dasher is acclimating well. Are the kitties under the bed, or is that just my neurotic cats?

    The place is shaping up fast! LOVE the bedspread and iron headboard in the guest room! Awesome!

    Wish I were there.


    Miss youse guys.

  2. Happy New Year Fellas!!!

    Glad to see you're making progress getting your house together! So nice you had company too!

    Soon it will feel just like home!

  3. Happy New Year to both of you! The house looks great already! :)

  4. Congrats on moving into your new home!! I know I've been a little MIA lately but....you know, since I am an interior decorator and all, I would be remiss if I didn't suggest a couple things to add to your rooms:-) You guys definitely have nice furniture/great taste I see and I'm sure you just haven't gotten around to it but as I'm sure you know, paint always makes a HUGE visual impact, but if you don't want to do that, artwork on the walls, area rugs and window treatments always do the trick!!!

    Hope you had a lovely New Year's night. Enjoy your new home and have an awesome 2010!!

  5. Thanks Jackie. Unfortunately, we signed a 1 year lease and may be here even less than that. We'd like to buy a home once again. Most of our crystal, pictures, formal furniture, etc, will stay boxed up until we buy. :-)

  6. Wow! New city, new job, new home - what a start for the New Year!!! Here's to a great and happy 2010, guys!

    Nancy in frozen Iowa

  7. @ Alix, Honey we would have loved to stop and see you but we went though Jacksonville around midnight. Then we stopped just the other side of the GA. line at a rest area and slept. The next time we go we will stop and pick you up on the way. Us girls will have a BLAST!!

    @ Jackie, I told them the same thing. They are just so cheep! They don't want to spend the money for paint on a rental. I told them I would do it but NO. You konw how they are.

    @ Everyone, Did you notice no kittys in the pic's? They still have them locked up in the freezing RV all alone

  8. Looks like an exciting start. Already looking lived in.


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