5-30-11 Monday (Moving For Sanity)

Jim and I met up with Ruby and Beth for Sunday Monday brunch at Mimi’s.  The place was pretty empty.  Jim and I both love their Cinnamon Brioche French Toast and were disappointed they were sold out of it.  We enjoyed our alternate selections.  In the booth next to us just over a half wall, a child cried and cried.  We were getting upset with the mother and father’s disregard for anyone else’s comfort.  The best they did was stare at their daughter… emotionless.  Apparently my occasional “dirty look” didn’t help.  After what felt like eternity, Beth asked the server if we could move.  He moved us to a section that was closed off and quite quiet.  I really wanted to confront the couple.  I really did.  How rude of them.  Waiting out your kid in a restaurant isn’t appropriate.  Save that shit for home.  I’m sorry if I offend any reader with children but either don’t go out or take your kid outside for some disciplinary action.  If we weren’t able to move, our experience would have been ruined.

Jim wanted to go bowling but we couldn’t get enough players.  Next time.

After a partly horrible dining experience, we all headed to the Northlake Mall.  Beth wanted to buy a summer dress.  Ruby decided she’d like to shop as well so off we went.  I hate shopping.  I cheerfully went but hate it.  I don’t like clothes shopping.  I hate standing in one place for very long.  I don’t mind walking the mall but not “shopping”.  Be it my posture, my shoes, my big ole belly, my spine, or whatever, standing in one spot or walking too slowly causes my lower back to throb.  Even as I type this on Tuesday, my back is killing me.  I’ll live… uncomfortably.

IMAG0079Above: Jim

IMAG0080Above: Jim, Beth and Ruby

With a successful (we didn’t buy anything) shopping trip out of the way, we came home.  I felt completely drained and exhausted.  Jim said he was taking a nap and as rare as it is, I did too.  When we awoke, I felt terrible.  Jim started dinner and I felt exhausted, a slight headache and oddly had no appetite.  I went to lay down a little while in hopes of a recovery.  I still didn’t feel much better but forced myself out of bed.  All in all, I think I dehydrated a little.  I thought about my symptoms and reflected back on the day.  Before leaving the house I had 2 cups coffee, and a few sips of water.  At breakfast I only drank a couple of mimosas and a few sips of Jim’s diet soda while we shopped.  I drank gobs of water realizing I was “thirsty”.  I did eventually feel better.  I’ll go ahead and say it… what an idiot. 

Recently, a blog-a-sphere friend, Liz (of Eternal Lizdom), posted photos she had taken of her brothers graduation on Facebook.  You can see her entire album (only 35 photos), even if you don’t have a Facebook account by clicking here.  Please let me know if you have any problems.

Below are a few of my favorites.  They’re of her brothers, brother’s girlfriend and in the last photo, her husband.  I simply love the clarity of all the photos.  They’re fun photos.  Most of the time I want to take a picture of someone they throw their hands up to block their faces.  These are fun people. 

I told Liz I absolutely love her photography and asked what kind of camera and if she took photography classes:

No classes.   I use a Nikon D40.  It's a DSLR.  I have 2 lenses- one for close ups (I use it the most) and one for general pics.  I like to be farther away and zoom in because I like to capture moments with minimal to no direction from me.  I don't generally go for the "stand still, look at the camera, smile" pics- but they have their place.  I like fun and I like to get people to do things that capture a moment of freedom or expressing who they really are when the mask drops.  I like to see things from a different angle or perspective and I think that helps with my photography.




Yeah, it’s probably weird to showcase someone else’s family photos but I couldn’t resist.

5-29-11 Sunday (Fish Face)

Earlier in the week I mentioned we were going white water river rafting.  Jim picked up this 2 for 1 deal on Groupon

Endless River

Jim and I departed Charlotte at about 9am for our 1:30pm guided rafting adventure in Bryson City.  By the way, Bryson City is the same area where were went for that Easter train ride.  The goal was to drive to Asheville (2 hours), have lunch at Tupelo Honey Café (where we love to have sweet potato pancakes) and then continue another 1 to 1.5 hours on to Bryson City.  Once we got to Tupelo Honey we realized that we’d be extremely tight on time so we went to CiCi’s Pizza next door.  CiCi’s is a chain buffet restaurant that Jim likes and I think has the worst pizza.ever.  I think I’ll prefer Stouffers.  I endured it, Jim was happy, tummies were full, I was sleepy, we were on time with only 10 minutes to spare, I was happy.  We arrived at Endless River Adventures, I applied sunscreen, we adorned our life preserver jackets and onto the van we loaded.  A ten minute ride up river with rafts in tow… uneventful. 

A few points.  The water was 50 degrees.  Not the best to fall into.  No one did.  Splashes were actual minimal yet refreshing.  We wore old sneakers and utilized Ziplocs for cash and my old camera.  Our guide, Kelly, gave us a few instructions and off we went.  It was 2 hours down the river.  I think it was an 8 mile trip.  It wasn’t physically challenging.  The Nantahala River is one of the easier rivers.  We had an awesome time and look forward to doing something a little more challenging.  We went through 4 or 5 rapids and the rest of the time was just drifting on the river. 

Here’s the adventures photos:

2011-05-29 0012011-05-29 0022011-05-29 0042011-05-29 0242011-05-29 0052011-05-29 0062011-05-29 0112011-05-29 0132011-05-29 0152011-05-29 0162011-05-29 0172011-05-29 0192011-05-29 020

2011-05-29 026


Wow!  What a great day.  Whoa, I’m not done yet.  We got home after 8pm, showered and changed.  We met up with Billy and Mike for dinner at Boardwalk Billy’s and then onto The Scorpio to see another RuPaul’s Drag Race contestant, Shannel.  I love Shannel.  She is so Vegas-like.  She was my favorite of all 3 seasons.




The Scorpio was a really nice bar/club.  I was very impressed with it.  Jim and I were beginning to wonder if Charlotte had any nice gay venues. 

2011-05-29 102

Above/Below: Shannel.

2011-05-29 101

2011-05-29 103Above: Billy (Mike dodged the camera!)

2011-05-30 105Above: Billy and Jim

2011-05-30 106Above: Billy and Jim.

2011-05-30 107Above: Mike and Billy

2011-05-30 108Above: Billy and Mike

2011-05-30 110Above: Some fish with a ginormous forehead and Jim.

Definitely an awesome day!

5-26-11; 5-27-11; 5-28-11


Jim did get to speak with our superintendent, Roger, about the soil issues on the lot.  He put our concerns at ease by explaining to Jim why it all happened as it did.  Adams Homes, per building laws, had the soil replaced as supervised by an engineer with all test results on file with the county.  I’m probably not explaining all of that exactly right but close enough.

It would seem construction has been at a standstill lately and I’m not sure what the hold up is.  It could be waiting for inspections, or perhaps materials or maybe a subcontractor?  Our NACA representative asked for an estimated completion date on the build which is awesome that we didn’t have to press for it ourselves.  Adams hasn’t responded as of yet.


A trip to Walmart for me before work.  Thrilling.  I know.  I decided to get shopping as done as possible so that we can focus on a laid back, fun, or relaxing week depending on what’s going on.  We have some plans this weekend but not 100% booked up.  We’re going to see another RuPaul’s Drag Race contestant, Shannel.  Luckily she’s not going to be at the Rock Hill dumpy bar.  We’ll also be white water rafting or something crazy like that.  Perhaps some dinner with friends too and who knows what else.  Stay tuned!


It was a pretty slow day at work.  It seemed to have averaged 9 minutes or so between calls.  Someone told me that they recently posted positions for my job again.  The thing that gets me is the hours.  Shouldn’t they offer schedule bids or such to the people who want an earlier shift?


I’m disappointed.  Myself as a well as a few others have let the powers that be know that.

After work today… oh wait, first off, it’s mine and Jim’s 12th anniversary!  Yay!  OK, continuing.  Jim was sweet and booked reservations for 300 East.  We’ve been there a few times.  It was yummy.  Then off to Amelie’s French Bakery to pick up some treats. 

Tomorrow is white water river rafting!

5-25-11 Wednesday (Poor Timing)

I totally forgot to blog about the Rapture!  2 funny things about it.  During my shift at work on Saturday, I glanced up from my cubicle and saw white lights pulse on the walls.  There were many of them.  My brain processed it as a camera flash and after they flashed again I realized they were fire alarm lights.  By the 3rd or 4th pulse, an alarm sounded.  Can I just tell you, my heart sank a little.  Rapture day + alarms.  Ugh.  It was a fire drill!  We made our way out to the parking lot.  Did my company really think to have a fire drill on the day that something bad is supposed to happen?  That’s like having a fire drill on September 11th.  Dumbasses.  What’s worse?  Them or my reaction?

I posted the fire drill event as my status on Facebook.  The best reply was from John Anderson:


I’m sorry but how funny is that?  What if you drove down the street and saw some piles of clothes?  You got left behind!

Rapture Failure

Jim has officially cancelled our Asheville trip plans.  We’ll reschedule for July or August.  Oh well.

I was off from work today.  Naturally I spent it doing laundry and other household chores.  I did get out of the house to get by the property (no changes) and then to BJ’s for some gas and groceries.  Yep, the highlights.  I did get to play a video game for a while too… Ironman 2.  It’s not all that great.

Not much else to say.  I think we’re going white water rafting this weekend or something like that.

5-21-11 Saturday (Feeling Dirty)

2011-05-17 003Above: Deer in the back yard Tuesday!  The next house will have a less obtrusive view to see wildlife.

After a day of dealing with ignorant people on the phones, I came home, freshened up and off to dinner we went.  What?  You want to know more about the ignorant people?  Well, for US Patriot Act compliance, often we have to ask a customer to state their country of citizenship. 

    • WE: This may sound like a strange question, I just need you to state your country of citizenship.

    • THEY: Alabama.

    • WE: No, your country.

    • THEY: Alabama.

    • WE: Not your state, your country.

    • THEY: Oh, Dallas County.

    • WE: Ummm, no, your country like Mexico, Canada, The United States.

    • THEY: Oh, I don’t know hold on.  {10 seconds later} Well, I was born is Mississippi but I’m in Dallas County now.

    • WE: No, That’s your state and your county.  I need country.  Barack Obama is the president of what country?

    • THEY: I don’t know.

    • WE: I’m looking for a country.  Like the country of Canada, country of Mexico, country of England, or country of The United States of America.

    • THEY: The United States?

    • WE: Thank you.

I kid you not.  Really.  This happens more often than I’d care to admit.  When my coworkers hear this going on, we all get quiet to listen.  It’s hilarious, yet very, very sad.  The age of these people vary.  It’s not old people necessarily.  It’s not young people.  It ranges.  Maybe the person is mentally ill?  Perhaps they don’t have a TV?  Maybe they never went to school?  Sure, you can make up excuses on their behalf if that’s what gets you through the day.  “Bless their hearts”.

Oh, so back to dinner.  Jim got deals on a new Groupon-ish coupon site called Juice in the City.


Jim purchased two of these deals and there weren’t any restrictions about using more than one.  So for $10, we got $40 worth of food at Mama Ricotta’s.   We liked the restaurant décor.  The ambiance, not so much.  The music was too loud with a mix of easy listening to 80’s dance. 

The rolls were good.  The dipping oil wasn’t great.  They should warn people that it’s a pepper infused olive oil.  We asked for plain olive oil.  For an appetizer:


We ordered the full which was 3 slices of mozzarella.  That’s a full?

Our meals:


I had the Canneloni, Jim had the Ravioli.


The verdict?  OK.  Don’t hate us but we still love Olive Garden better.  There.  I said it.

For dessert we shared some Nutella pie thingy.  There’s no photo or description online about it.  The description was so awesome.  We felt it was way too sweet rather than just “rich”.  The slice was overly huge and we didn’t finish it.

Next up was to see a couple of drag queens perform in Rock Hill, SC at The Hideaway.  We watch each season of RuPaul’s Drag Race.  The 2 performers were from the 3rd season (most recent).

imageAbove: Yara Sofia (4th place)

imageAbove: Alexis Mateo (3rd place)

Yes, they’re men, by the way. 

Let me tell you about the venue.  This place was a dump!  The parking lot was dirt with huge ruts in it.  The BMW barely survived the chasms.  Jim said the restroom was disgusting.  Never again.  I don’t give a crap who’s performing there.  I feel dirty just typing this.  Blech!

2011-05-22 004Above: Tacky light fixtures.

2011-05-21 002Above: Christmas décor with straw hats above the bar.  Jim said the dust was so thick.

2011-05-21 003Above: The pretty ceiling.  Icicle lights hung down from the ceiling here and there.  Not one full strand worked completely.

2011-05-22 005Above: Check out the ceiling/lighting/icicle lights.

Here’s the best photos I was able to get.  The lighting was horrible (surprise).

2011-05-22 0102011-05-22 0112011-05-22 0122011-05-22 0132011-05-22 0142011-05-21 0012011-05-22 0062011-05-22 0072011-05-22 0082011-05-22 009

The line at the bar was plain dumb.  2 bartenders was simply not enough to handle the crowd.  The place smelled.  EVERYTHING was dirty, dusty, and nasty.  I gotta go take an extra shower.