Jodi departed sometime in the early morning hour before we even woke up – as planned. The damn hussy signed the guest book and took off with the pen. Guess I’ll need to get a cable attached pen.
Jim and I went to breakfast at Ryan’s Buffet again. He picked it, not me. I got an omelet, bacon, sausage and kielbasa. I didn’t eat much of it at all. I think the greasiness of the fried meats bothered me. If it had been anything over $5, I would have felt bad for wasting money.
After breakfast, we did some salad supply shopping at BJ’s and then went back out again to get started on our RV window update. We took some more measurements and talked about different options. Mini blind with sheers. Mini blind with valance. Curtains? After several trips to Home Depot and Lowe’s, we eventually ordered the blinds through Shipping was free, they had a wheat color that I preferred over the store’s selection of white and alabaster. And yes, I’ll show before and after photos, but of course.
I spent so much time working on the 4-2-10 entry that I’m not gonna put a lot of effort into this entry. I’m just a little worn down from doing the same shit over and over. (Uploading Facebook photos and a youtube video). I’ve had to do a lot of unposting and reposting so be sure to catch all the entries from Friday and on.
Ah yes.... a gay househusband's work is never done...
Pass the Amareto Sours.