First, a house update. The builder didn’t get the damaged wood floors replaced as quickly as they thought. Apparently through some sort of concrete moisture test, the flooring company said it isn’t ready for the new floor quite yet. So far, this has delayed the appraisal as well as the inspection. The flooring is torn apart and looks pitiful. Sigh.
Every couple of weeks a supervisor will walk by and hand out chips or candy… just because. So Monday, supervisors came by with a two level cart filled with chips, cookies and candy. It seemed a little excessive as compared to previous offerings but my junk-food-loving-self, smiled and graciously accepted. Tuesday, supervisors came by with Good Humor icecream. I thought to myself, self, cause I often call myself that, what’s going on? A little later I see other people walking the halls with carts of icecream, assumedly to bring to their teams. Hmmmmm, there must be something going on. By the end of the day I find out it is employee appreciation week aka feed you fattening foods week. The idea was awesome and welcomed but they missed their mark. It took me almost 2 days of asking people here and there to find out what the occasion was. Perhaps I wasn’t told directly that I was appreciated because I was on a phone call? Maybe I missed the email? Was there a sign hanging somewhere? I thank them back for what they do, but as I said I think they missed their mark.
On Thursday, we were treated again. A couple of supervisors came to my cubicle. The first thing I saw was someone holding a stack of small Dixie cups. My first thought was, “oooooo shots!” Then the cart appeared. Nachos! Yep, hot gooey cheese and chips. The cup? It provided a small cup of jalapeños peppers.
On Friday, I came into work and found left over Bojangles and Dunkin’ Donuts from the morning’s employee appreciation. I ate a cold sausage biscuit. It was still yummy though. Later in the day they received another delivery of Bojangles. Even more later in the day I had indigestion. Good times.
When I told Jim about all these “gifts”, his reaction was, “so, they gave you food when you work in a call center and have to be on the phones?” It was a nice break, I enjoyed it. Perhaps I’m a nerd.
Oh, by the way, I packed two more boxes! It felt good! It felt awesome to continue forward with this house. That’s it.
Just a side note… I found this website which happens to be from the CDC! It’s funny they’d have this zombie preparedness for an apocalypse link.