Toilet 526; Jim 1. No leaks, works like a charm. Yay!
We met Tim at Sweet Tomatoes (soup and salad bar / buffet) for lunch today. Tim is a salad lover so he was excited to go. His other half, Carl, is not fond of the place so they don’t get to go. We started off with large salads. My plan was to eat a large salad first and then some of the not so good stuff. It went splendidly. A lot of their soups, breads, sides, etc are low fat. Their website even gives nutritional info.
I’ve come to the conclusion that any type of buffet restaurant is not a good place to socialize with friends. Aside from getting fatter and fatter, the conversations get lost. While chit chatting, we’d pause the conversation, go back for more food and then return only to start a new subject. It’s fragmented socializing.
Tim had errands to do, we had a couple of things to do, so we decided to tag along for each other’s things to do.
We went to our storage unit, and got some clothes out. This is an air conditioned storage facility. Units are sectioned by chain link. We laughed at how you can pretty much stick your hand through the fence and touch things people store. Our crap is all in boxes but some people just have loose items sitting on top of other items, like a box wasn’t important or very scarce at the time? One disturbing thing is patient files for Dr. Kagen (a prominent orthopedic doctor in town) were close to the chain link. Box lids were off and some files were partially out of the box revealing names and social security numbers. I just went to Kagen’s website and found that the email link doesn’t work so that means I’ll have to call them.
Next stop was Sam’s. We needed more deodorant. By the time you read this, we’ll smell nice. Scratch HERE for the before and HERE for the after. Not bad, eh? How many of you did it? Nevermind, I don’t want to know. A funny thing happened at Sam’s. We spotted a sectional couch on display. We tried it out. It was comfortable. The 3 of us talked and talked and talked. I saw nothing of my surroundings, and then BAM the spell was broken, I was a little thirsty. After Tim finished his sentence, I pointed out my strange discovery… we had spent way too much time hanging out in a Sam’s on their very comfy sectional. Strange. Strangely fun too.
Almost the last stop, Target.

Above: Me on what I always call a big red concrete hippity hop.

Above: Jim & Tim.

Above/Below: Tim making a return.
Above: Garret here, reporting with this season’s fashions.
For our last stop, we went to Barnes and Noble so Tim could get a new audio book. Jim found Waldo’s mother! Look!
Ahhhh, look at the hair too! She’s someone’s mother… maybe. For sure she’s someone’s daughter.

Above: Tim reading the audio book packaging. Since it’s an audio book, shouldn’t there be a small gizmo, the size of a musical birthday card, that speaks out the synopsis?
Above: Tim reads on. Jim acts interested in a book… with a binder… with written words…
Tim went home. Goodbye Tim, we had a blast!
Well, let me tell you about dinner. A fiasco. A misadventure. We decided to bake chicken, and then top with peach salsa. Jim cut up squash, we tossed in olive oil, added garlic, a little breadcrumbs, and some parmesan cheese, then bake. I made brown rice, in the microwave. The chicken. Baked in a glass baking dish. I took it out of the oven, and stupidly decided to add water to the pan. Uh, dumb. The pan exploded. Not pretty. Hot, sticky glass on the floor and the stove. Ugh. I stood there, staring in horror. Jim rushed over (well, he was only 2 feet away in the “next room”) and joined me in the stare-fest. We got it cleaned up. I’ve tempted fate so many times in the past. I’ve always been a hot glass dish water adderer and never had a problem. I guess the dish was REAL hot and the water was REAL cold? I won’t do that shit again anytime soon.
So now what? Well, later Jim and I admitted to each other that we thought that end of the pan didn’t break and that the chicken would be OK and then realized it to be a bad idea. We went to Publix, got fried chicken tenders (which they made fresh while we waited), and still managed to have chicken. Yeah we went from baked to fried but I don’t care. It made me feel better. We ate the squash which was good, and we had the rice with some peach salsa.
Jim probably won’t let me live this one down. Farewell, glass baking dish. (I better not step on any of your offspring!)