6-10-09 Wednesday (Tenting at a Monument)

Being what felt like, terrible parents, we dropped Dasher off at the Petsmart PetsHotel again.  We had quite a day planned. 

Our first destination was the Tinkertown Museum in the town of Sandia Park.  This place is just wacky.  It’s something this guy decided to make out of junk laying around.  Web excerpt:

“…miniature wood-carved figures were first part of a traveling exhibit, driven to county fairs and carnivals in the 1960s and '70s. Today over 50,000 glass bottles form rambling walls that surround a 22-room museum. Wagon wheels, old fashioned store fronts, and wacky western memorabilia make Tinkertown's exterior as much as a museum as the wonders within.”

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Above: A video showing just one of the many displays in this museum.

Tinkertown had a lot of those very old arcade style machines.  Most of which you drop a quarter in and watch some silly thing move.  We decided to try Esmeralda, the fortune teller.  The card/fortune that came out had to do with sleeping too much.  Aside for an explanation, here’s a poem it printed:

Do you like to lay in bed,

Just to rest your sleepy head -

That’s OK for a day or two,

But as a habit, ‘twill never do.

Fun stuff.  Jim and I had just talked about our sleeping habits yesterday.  We sleep over 8 hours a day.  We discussed it being a habit that we’ll soon need to break once we return to reality.  {Cue Twilight Zone Music}  Coincidence?  Hmmmmm

After junk browsing, we went to the Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument.  That’s a mouthful.  I love this place.  It was so pretty.  Here’s a few of my favorite photos:

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Here’s a bunch of videos:

Above: What some of the hike was like.

Above: We made it to the top!  Checkout this 360.  It was so worth it!

Above: My slideshow of today’s photos.  Gorgeous stuff!


  1. I absolutely adore you guys. You do the exact same goofy stuff that I do. I also quit smoking a couple months back and can relate to your comment about weight gain and not really feeling any better. Oh well. At least we're saving money, right?

  2. Well Tonya, definitely cheaper and definitely more convenient to not smoke. Hooray for us!


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