12-24-13 Tuesday (Edible Trailers)

Work continues to be very slow.  We’re told repeatedly that it will pick up after the new year.  I really hope so.  At times I’m bored and there’s really only so many times I can read notices, email, clean/organize my desk, create cheat sheets or other trivial tasks.   I resorted to non-work related activities such as Facebook, the news, Words with Friends, personal email, and even making this blog entry.  I continue to be concerned for my job but not “worried”.  My “numbers” for productivity, quality and customer satisfaction are high which gives me hope that if layoffs happen, I will be looked upon favorably and spared from that fate.  My experience in this new field is under a year which would make it hard to find employment when compared against others with 2 years or more experience.  Well, I guess I’ll quit worrying here, there isn’t anything I can do about it.

In October I told you of a work contest regarding decorating pumpkins.  This time, we’re having a gingerbread house decorating contest.  I really want to do a trailer park but that could offend.  Hey, you never know where people live.  Instead, I’ve come up with a bank bank.  No, I didn’t stutter.  I want it to be a <insert my bank’s name here> branch office along with it being a savings bank of sorts.  A slot at the top with some chocolate coins… that sort of thing.  I’m waiting for my team to discuss or possibly come up with something different.

Sometimes I think I should have named this blog, “My Daily Blessings Bitchings”…  Sigh.

Friday night, using coupon dejour, we went to Ciro’s, and Italian restaurant.  We both had a tortellini dish.  It was kind of bland and the portion was very small for the price.  They don’t have a website but their menu is published on line.  Unfortunately 1- It’s out of date 2- they had the nerve to raise their price by $2. 


So for $15.95, we got bread and this dish.  A salad was extra.  Really?  For that price you can’t throw in a salad?  What’s some lettuce, tomatoes, croutons and dressing gonna run ya?  I’m thinking that their location rent is too much.

I looked up a blog entry from when we went elsewhere for a similar dish.


That dish was huge portions (1 dish fed us for 2 meals), included bread as well but also included the side salad.  The price was $14.95.  I shake my head.  Also, I looked at Prosciuttos website for blogging research and they offered a smaller portion for $10.99 which still included the salad and bread. 

Walmart makes it easy to buy online and pick up at the store.  We ordered a tiny drain plug valve thingy for the Motorhome’s water heater.  By the way, it’s a water heater, not a hot water heater because you wouldn’t heat up water that is already hot.  This message brought to you by <buy ad space here>.   So, I was just amazed at the size box they used for this tiny thing.  What a waste of space for the store and truck that shipped it and material waste.  My guess is that they didn’t want to lose it being so small but I still think that’s the extreme.

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In other packaging, kill a tree issues, I decided to try these new Weight Watchers Brownie things.  <Insert Norma’s eyeroll here (her blog is no longer active)> 

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These were very tasty but small.  I guess that’s the point.  2 bites and that’s it.  I’m thinking the packaging is big to appear that the product is big.  Awfully shady Weight Watchers. 

Since I didn’t get the blog posted prior to the gingerbread contest, here are a few of them:

2013-12-24 008Above: this was the winner.  A trailer park with a tornado in the middle of the mobile home.  Since we work in the Home Equity department, this particular “house” was made with humor to show many of the risky conditions we don’t particularly lend against.  I love it but it’s more of an “inside” joke.

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And here’s my team’s gingerbread house bank.

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For Christmas Eve, I took off work a little early so Jim and I could do our traditional go to the mall to laugh at the people having to last minute shop.  We just like to relax, eat have a cookie and watch people.  And so we did.  We went to the Northlake Mall whereas this past weekend we went to the Concord Mills Mall.  Concord Mills was sooooo busy… the last weekend before Christmas.  We bought two spatulas at the $1.09 store.  Northlake Mall wasn’t bad at all.  We still enjoyed our shopping for nothing type of experience.

And finally, here’s a Christmas card we received from my cousin Carissa:

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Bless her heart.

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