11-1-08 Saturday (Enlargements)

Happy November! At the time I started typing this, we've gotten 2 comments on yesterday's blog. It's VERY easy to post a comment WITHOUT having any account.
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We love comments! Here's a screen shot of the comment form:
  Last night we watched 2 movies on TNT back to back until 3am. That's unusual for us since while we've been RVing we don't normally watch TV nor do I stay awake that long anymore. The movies were good, but the commercials got lamer and lamer as the evening went on. Sometimes the same penis enlargement pill commercial was shown twice in 1 commercial break and then every break thereafter. Let's not forget how texting your birthdate will give you a reply of your soul mate's name for $20.00 a month (according to the small print). Then there's the bimbo 900 numbers for us to call. So many options, who should I call first?

It was another laid back day for Jim and I.  We managed to get to Wal-Mart.  The highlight for us was at Albertsons where we only paid $2.35 a gallon. Yay!  It was almost a pleasure to fill the tank.

Tonight's menu consisted of burgers. No, no, I didn't cook, we went to Applebee's.  For desert, we browsed TJ Maxx (dumpy store) and Old Navy.  We left without spending money.  A nice change.

Another cute pose by Dasher and Clea today:
Sorry, this is all I have for you today......


  1. Bicycled by your old homestead today.....the evil new owners have placed a filthy nasty objectionable sign in the front yard.....how could you have done this to us? CB

  2. I think Clea and Dasher have been watching those call me at 1-900 commericals and they appear to be awaiting a call...I agree TJ Maxx has become very dumpy...I left there yesterday with a sense that we have finally completed and depleted the style spectrum...now we go HEMP!!! When Fergie keeps showing up wearing what looks like a BAG I know it's done...or chicks just go out in lingerie...where does that leave the fatties...and I'm not talking about those enhancer commericals...as usual...I feel LOVE for you 2...crap more to worry about...Aloha Pants...

  3. NP - Wait for tomorrow's post to feel bad for us...


  4. Sassy, Dasher is an Italian Greyhound. He's about 8 years old and is 17 lbs. Very loveable guy.



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