What a night! At some point, the rooms to either side of us became occupied with adults and tiny, annoying, little ones. Between screaming and doors slamming, I was sure I was in a slum. Aside from having difficulty falling asleep, I awoke at 7:45am before the 8am wake up call. I was not amused as I heard the little ones slamming doors and running past the window. The parents were useless in curtailing (a muzzle and rope would have made me happy) their beasts. Some day, people will need to get a license to have children. Marriage license, fishing license, hunting license... why not?

As all personal belongings have been removed, Dasher looks nervously on, hoping to be included.
We made it to Mountain Shadows RV park. The balance of the nights here are 3. As much as I was ready to depart Salt Lake City, it worked out well to stay another 3 days. It gave me some time to do some cleaning, and reorganizing. It does feel great to be back in the RV though. The new foam in the dinette cushions seem to agree with our asses.
It's going to be wonderful to have an oven once again. I'm tired of those skillet meal things. Tonight, working with what's on hand, we're having some sort of boxed oven bake meal. It still sounds better than skillet stuff.
I think we're going to skip St. George. The state park we wanted to stay in closes its gates 10pm to 6am. At that point, we're either prisoners or locked out. A tentative route has been planned and will probably be tweaked along the way.

Here's the before and after repair photos:

Above: The repair is shiny, the old is faded. The colors look pretty close though. The color of the pinstripe is a little different, again, faded versus new.

Above: You can barely notice the slice in the rubber coated roof (circled in red). The first repair looked like frosting. This time they put a foot long patch that looks like overkill to me. (circled in blue)

Above: The new awning O' awesomeness.

Above: The tub drain repair. Ick.
I must admit, Bountiful did save us hundreds of dollars. The freezer door hinge has been broken and duck taped since Florida. The hinge wasn't sold seperately; a new freezer door purchase would have been necessary. They were able to make a replacement hinge with epoxy.
Wal-Mart Neighborhood Grocery Store got over $100 of our money this evening. We had planned our menu and bought what we needed. While I'm making dinner, Jim is busy changing the itinerary again so the map pictured above will probably be obsolete. I think we're going to Idaho Falls and will stay there until after Thanksgiving. Speaking of which, we picked up our little turkey breast and the appropriate fixin's.
Almost time for dinner.....................