Hi. It’s me. I’m back. I’m not sure for how long but at least until after the cruise. What cruise? Patience. It will all be clear soon enough. First, I must fill you in on a few things. If you’ve been a Facebook friend of mine for at least a couple of years then you already know our pet situation. If you don’t then read on. If you don’t care then move on. If you know it but want to see the pretty post then read on. If you’re hungry then you should eat.
Pardon (or don’t, I don’t care) this post as I’ve copied and pasted some info from Facebook posts.
4/19/2015. Dasher moved out.
This bit of news is in a blog post so this is just a reminder as it’s key to the next section. As posted on Facebook:
We had to have Dasher put to forever sleep while in Augusta. We knew we were on borrowed time since Thanksgiving. He lived longer than typical for his breed. He went peacefully. I'm so devastated.

8/13/2016. Ready for the next step.
As posted on Facebook:
Warning. Sappy TMI personal story ahead: As Jim and I watch TV, sometimes he’ll surf the internet on the couch from his laptop. At times, he’ll tilt the display my way and say “look at him/her” as he points to a rescue/shelter dog in need of a home. I’ll usually reply, “That’s nice”, or maybe give an “awwwww, no thanks.” My replies vary; my decision doesn’t. I don’t want another dog right now. Maybe never.
Recently we bought a pretty memorial frame for Dasher and as we picked out different photo possibilities, it got emotional here and there. Even though the top 10 winning photos haven’t been printed, I still feel as though I have closure I guess. I’m not really sure what happened, how it happened or why it happened but just a few nights ago, Jim, as usual, showed me a dog who needed a home. I looked, and then looked away, but this time 30 seconds or so later, I said “let me see him again” and that’s the start to my story.
I'm finally ready for us to have another furbaby in our life. The dog (CJ) that triggered the second look was pending adoption and no longer available. I’m OK with that and have decided, we should continue to look. We saw an Italian Greyhound but although he was a different color, he really looked too much like Dasher. Also those Italians are so hard to understand. I don’t want to blur my memories of Dasher with another of his breed that will typically have similar personalities. I don’t want to replace Dasher. I want something different. We need housebroken in our lives so I’m not willing to train. I’m not a fan of crates (I hate the thought of my baby locked in a cage) but if that’s what he/she is used to, then so be it. I need a small dog. Short haired. A lap dog to smother with love.
Since I’m in this emotional state, I just want to add that although we’re worlds apart anymore, I thank Carl and Tim for bringing Dasher into our lives. Dasher wasn’t a good fit for them but he sure was for us. I’m ready to let go but he will always be in my heart. I’m so tearful right now. This would normally have been a blog post but if you haven’t noticed, I haven’t blogged since January. If you didn’t notice then you’re a bastard… just kidding, I needed the humor right now.
Here’s the frame and photo we settled on:

8/16/16 Adopted CJ
We thought CJ was adopted. It fell through. Jim’s mom, Ann, was visiting from Florida. While I was at work, Jim and Ann went to adopt CJ. Although I hadn’t met him, I was confident that Jim would make the right decision for our next furbaby. He did.
CJ had severe Separation Anxiety. He tore up the house. We had to crate him. That was a disaster. Here’s the Facebook posts:
8/20/16 Look closely at the bent rails. One was snapped from it's weld. CJ escaped. Excuse the bare floors (we're in the middle of having them replaced).

8/22/16 We put him in the crate for the first half of the day. I came home at lunch and put him in the utility room but not in the crate. When I came home at 6, he had escaped. He tore up the cardboard (it was there along with scatter rugs to be sure he didn't hurt himself on the bare wood). He peed a little in the dinette. CJ 3, Jim and Garret 0.

8/24/16 If you've been awaiting the next installment of "Destrucules, The Cute Hellion", here it is. We put him in the utility room with blankets, a bed, food, water and doggy soothing music. In front of the gate, we put a "scat mat" that delivers a 9v shock should he walk across it. Jim heard him get shocked a few times as he left the house. At lunch time I came home andCJ had the scat mat at the end of the utility room. I'm not sure how he did that without getting zapped. He did not escape. He ma have peed so I left a pee pee pad in there for him. When I returned at 6pm, the scat mat was moved again, the gate was secure, the pee pee pad was ripped up and he can now hum the notes of the continuous looped doggy music. We're going to make some other changes but we may have found a good combination.
8/25/16 Today CJ was crated. No issues. Hopefully sometime in the future we can revisit restricting him to one room.
9/12/16 A CJ update: He broke out of the pretty, spacious and $100 pricey crate. He somehow pulled the door inward. We returned the crate and used the type shown in the picture. He can't escape that but the plastic holes prove the struggle is real. I hate this crate. It doesn't let much light in and it's a little on the small side. He seems to be able to walk this entire crate several feet away from it's original location. The $30 pheromone Glade-ish plugin may or may not be working. Who knows.
Jim found a metal crate with thick bars made of titanium (OK, not really) that is too big but is doing the job nicely. The smaller the crate, the thinner the bars. We're going to see if we can find something as sturdy but smaller. So far we're on crate 5 or 6.
Other than that, he's as cute as a button. He sleeps on the bed with us and never makes a mess. He's so well behaved (when he's not in that crate). I'm tempted to leave him out of it for the day but when he escaped that time, he caused quite a bit of damage. Maybe that was because he was jailed and broke free? Maybe he's a terror when we're not home? I'm not willing to take the chance right now.
We have a college student close by that comes to the house and lets him out each work day. She spends about 10 minutes with him.

1/13/17 Another post. This one is positive though. CJ is free from the crate. (If you never saw the photos of the damage he caused, look at my album called “CJ” and witness the unbelievable mess this little 11 pound dog can wreak.) A couple of weeks ago, our fill-in dog lunch time letter-outer, McKenzie, called us and said that she couldn’t get CJ back into his crate. He was growling at her. He ran up to our bedroom. We told her to leave him out and close the gate to the bedroom so he couldn’t get to the rest of the house. I left work a little early. No damage. This occurred the next day but this time downstairs so he had the run of the house. No damage. We have these things called “Tattle Tales” that we bought from PetSmart years ago. They take a 9v battery and screech if they detect any loud noise (air vibration) or vibration. Since our door moldings are already ruined, Jim nailed 1 into the door frame leading to the garage and another he used a 3m to fasten to the front door. We turn the alarms on and leave the house. If he should claw at the door or molding, the alarm will screech. He doesn’t like the noise. So far, it has worked. For now, we put up a gate to block the upstairs but will soon stop doing that. We think he probably still has anxiety when we leave but I hope it’s not as bad. He’s such a sweet dog. We love him!
I’m happy to say that for several weeks, we’re eliminated all sensors, buzzers, screechy thingies, and barricades. CJ has been doing great!

Next post: Emergency surgery. The cruise that never was. Stuff like that…