And now, Jim has decided to add to the blog. Here's his entry:

Some street side performers in downtown Portland.
Some street side performers in downtown Portland.
I then find out that a lot of the friends I've pre-made in California is leaving and we may never get to meet them. I'm bummed. A few are going to some giant RV show in Arizona. Another couple is going somewhere due to losing their job. I think they've read the blog and know of the weather catastrophes and other disasters we bring with us. "Screw this" fell from their lips and they all scurried to depart the area.
There's something about a Christmas store front window using the castle-look behind it. Very cold, uninviting. A Dollar Store explosion in the front window doesn't constitute decorating. Yep, this is all part of the Santa display. Pitiful.
It's nice to be home though. My feet started to feel like a blister was close to rearing its ugly head. The roads were fairly clear. Less travelled roads had large ruts in them from tire chains breaking partly through. That made for a rough ride but nothing worse than us taking an offroad trail. It's all good.
We may have developed a leak at one of the bedroom windows. For a while we thought it was from condensation but a towel we've been laying on the sill is way too wet. We haven't had this problem since the awning. The awning is not over that window so I'm not sure. At this moment, I'll reserve stamping this entry as a misadventure until we figure it out. We think that perhaps we need to reseal (CAULK) the window frame. I know where Jim gets his love of caulk... from Grandpa Kelly. Many a joke circulates in the family about GE Silcone. Anyway, the constant icicle dripping action isn't helping the situation, I'm sure. Jim went partly onto the roof and knocked off more chunks of ice. The temperature is about 35 this evening so things are slowly thawing. It will be a long time before this city fully thaws out. WE, however, won't be here for that.
I've probably mentioned this before, but I'm so excited to get to California. Especially to meet fellow bloggers I've chatted with. We so crave interaction, and outside friendship. We've met some people in Seattle, Colorado, and Georgia (Sorry if I forgot another place). Jim and I get along VERY well, BUT there's only so much to talk about when we're together all the time. I suppose, assuming that the friends we've made in California read the blog, that we won't have much to chat about with them since the blog covers all that. A pro about the blog is keeping friends/family up to date with our adventures and it also serves as a PRICELESS travel journal. The con is that there's not much to talk about on the phone or in person.
Funny, it's difficult to walk through a mall without Kiosk salespeople trying to grab your attention. The worst is the cell phone people. I typically ignore them and look away. Oregon's kiosk people weren't cell phone sales but other items instead. They started their approach with "Can I ask you a question." At one point I blurted, "I'm married". I then started to think about other stupid replies to give, although I never got another opportunity to use them. "Crest Whitening", "My religion forbids it", "Not tonight, I have a headache". There's so many silly replies. Maybe the next mall trip, I'll try them out. I understand these people are trying to make a living but I feel like I'm at a fleamarket. On a cruise, Jim and I were in Labadee (Haiti) at the Haitian Fleamarket. Boy, were they pushy!Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!
Cat fight!
Jim thinks the RV roof is a pinata.
Pinata Part 2
Thanks to Glenn for this cartoon
Dasher makes yellow snow
So, there I am, chatting with my mom on the phone. As I typically do, I pace around talking, and notice steam from outside the RV. The water heater was pouring some water out. A warning label says to consult the owner's manual if it weeps. I don't care how sad it is, weeping sucks. Jim is consulting the magical owner's manual of non useful information as I type. We're falling apart! Perhaps a trip to the Target escalator would cheer me up?
The mystical book is missing. Google to the rescue. Jim found an article about relieving the water heater's pressure. We did that, and we'll just have to wait and see. For now, it seems it did the trick.
Dinner is in the oven and I'm starving. I'm making a pork roast. Hopefully it's as good as it sounds. After dinner we're going to go to one of those Redbox movie rental kiosks we've seen all over the place. $1.00 a night rental ain't too shabby. You can also reserve the movie online and then pick it up. The kiosks seem to be popular within McDonalds but we've seen them at supermarkets and other places as well. AND you can return it to any Redbox which might be handy for us on the road traveling type gypsy-like RVing jobless roving the US type guys.
The historic St. John's Bridge (that's what the sign said)