7-15-08 Tuesday (Mr. Clean would be so dissapointed)

Today Jim continued the house packing project while I made trips to and from the RV with supplies. It now looks very liveable! I'm so excited. We're looking at buying a used front wheel drive vehicle and towing it behind the RV on a dolly. We're going to shop around here and there but for now, we'll concentrate on other things. Uneventful day I suppose. I spent so much of the day cleaning and disinfecting the RV. They didn't do a good job at detailing it. After this entry we're off to Wally World again for more storage bins and such. I'm so tired of Wal-Mart but it's not so bad during the work week and late evenings.

The picture I've included is of the kitchen area.

1 comment:

  1. We're excited for you, too. Isn't the 'nesting' phase of a new home fun? Organizing all of your stuff and finding the perfect place it all. Yay!


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