09-26-08 Friday (Wheel Chair Races!)

Jim stopped at the office to register. They told him the site we were in was reserved and we had to move. It wasn’t so bad if:
1- The reserved board was updated properly.
2- If the woman wouldn’t have immediately barked out orders and said, “You have no choice, you have to move.”

Jim was pretty angry upon return to the site. We packed it up, and relocated. While Jim reconnected shore lines, he gashed his back on the corner of the slide out. It was pretty bad looking to me. It looked like it needed stitches but yet there was no blood. I guess there’s a piece of skin or something holding it together. I cleaned it out and did all that Mommy-type stuff.

Will our jacks ever get fixed? Stayed tuned…… I called a Ford Truck shop that specialized in buses, RV’s, etc. They don’t work on jacks. Argh. We set an appointment for Monday to have the vibration at 70mph looked at anyway.

We took the Cherokee to a Sears for an oil change, tire rotation and alignment. One tire outside edge is worn a little more. After check-in we headed to the mall to browse, oh and buy junk food too. Sears calls and says the alignment is within specs but the coolant is black and needs a flush. Well of course, being in the business I want to see it for myself. We headed back, and sure enough, the coolant was so dark, it was almost embarrassing. Another 45 minutes for the flush and Jim spots a sign about a special for: oil change, tire rotation, and air filter for $35.00. We return to the desk and have to drag the service advisor to the damn sign (3 were posted). She returns to her computer and says, it will only save you $3.00. Well, I think to myself, Garret, I often call myself that, it’s more than $3 savings because I also get an air filter. She says the air filter is clean. I tell her to leave the new air filter in the Cherokee for future replacement. She says OK. As she corrects her repair order, she then says they’ll have to replace the air filter because they can’t just give it to me. I said fine. She walks away and I ask the other advisor why that’s so. He says because they keep the old one as a core. A core on an air filter? Whatever! Just pitiful and perhaps some lying too.

We ordered business cards in Colorado Springs prior to Yellowstone and they awaited pickup at the Denver location. I was torn between "Making Friends Coast to Coast" and "Stimulating the Economy Coast to Coast". Often, we’ll be asked where we’re from or where we’re going which leads us into a short story of “We had the house for sale, got an offer and the same day Jim found out he’d be losing his job. 4 days later, Garret found out he’d be losing his. We sold the house and with some of the equity, here we are. Visit our blog at blah blah blah.” So now after the short story, we can hand them a card with the web address and such. Got it?

We also stopped into a Big Lots. I'm not quite sure why I was in the bra section but thought it funny that Delta Burke had/has a bra collection and it had been lowered to Big Lots standards. Her hair is terrible, maybe she should get into hair products.

Also for another humorous photo was this handicap sign at a few intersections. Is this road safe for handicap scooters? If you are in a wheelchair and need to cross, will someone come and push you or something? Instead of a bike lane, is there a wheelchair lane? It's puzzling. I'm sure Mike Gabbard can come up with some more explanations, and if not, Dave Ward can find the answer on the Internet.

All in all, I think there's so many humorous things in our day to day lives. From people we see, maybe the what they chose to wear, to signs that are mispelled or confusing, to other strange things. I'm glad that I now take my camera with me, even to the day to day normal places. Now I just need to remember to take more pictures of this goofy shit.

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